RESULTS.   We have successfully recovered more than $100,000,000.

Holding Manufacturers Accountable For Dangerous Products

The products we purchase and bring into our homes are supposed to be safe for our loved ones and us to use. When these items fail to meet these expectations and injure us, the manufacturer may be the one liable for our injuries. But how can you know who is liable or how to pursue compensation?

Here at Penn & Seaborn, LLC, our attorneys serving Alabama can help you. Our personal injury team knows what it takes to secure the best possible outcome in an injury claim to provide you with the resources you need to cover the costs of your injuries.

What Is Third-Party Product Liability?

A manufacturer can fail to make a safe product in many ways, including failure to properly test a product, failure to manufacture the product, or even failure to pack safely, which can injure a consumer. These and other shortcomings can cause injuries to a consumer and leave them with lifelong injuries. Common examples of these injuries are:

  • A battery exploding in vapes or electronic cigarettes
  • A product containing harmful substances like asbestos
  • Defective safety features on a device, like a defective chain brake on a chainsaw
  • Injuries caused by children’s toys

No matter what caused the injury, we can help you review your unique situation, determine what options you have to file an injury claim and help you pursue that compensation. We can handle working with the defense’s large legal firms and their insurance companies while you focus on your health.

Let Us Fight For You

When you received a serious injury due to a manufacturer’s negligence, let us help you pursue the compensation you need. Contact our offices by calling 334-219-9852 or email us to schedule your initial consultation today.